This is the humble website of myself, Karsten Dambekalns. I am a software developer and open source enthusiast. You can read more about me, my guiding principles and my current projects on this site. From time to time I even blog about web development, Neos, Flow, PHP and other slightly related topics.
Flow and Neos
If you need help with a project around the Flow framework or the Neos content application platform (some might even call it a CMS), you should know that I can help you with development, quality assurance, consulting and coaching. Why not have that feature your are missing implemented?
I am a Flownative
Since February 2015 I am one of Flownative, providing consulting, coaching, development support and more to agencies and developers working with Neos and Flow. Get in touch with us!
Contributing? Why, yes!
If you are working with Flow or Neos and have found them to be of invaluable help for your projects, why not consider supporting the work on those fine projects with a flattr for me or a donation to the Neos project? Or maybe you have time of your own to spare?