I am a Creative Code Engineer: I work on software, and developing software is–if done right–engineering, but as with most things in live, creativity gets you a long way.
I was born in Munich, Germany, in 1977. Thus I still enjoyed working with an IBM PC10-III in school, owned a Commodore 128D (plastic case, sigh…) and played games on a friends Amiga 500. Only after that came a modem, a PC that was actually fast, OS/2 Warp, Windows 95, Linux, ISDN, X11 workstations (monochrome!), email and the internet.
Said X11 workstations I encountered while studying media science, media technology and computer science in Braunschweig. During that time I met (and promptly married) Līga, the most wonderful woman I know, and co-founded a company with a friend of mine, working on building websites for agencies and customers. Eventually I got in touch with a still young CMS called TYPO3, which caught my attention.
The rest, as they say, is history. I started to work with TYPO3, became a contributor and attended my first T3BOARD in 2004 if my memory serves me right. That triggered a chain of events that eventually made me the developer behind the DBAL extension (which was later maintained as a system extension by Xavier Perseguers of causal;, thanks!) for TYPO3 and also got involved with the TER and extension manager revamp.
The planning for that was partly done together with Robert Lemke, to whom not only a great friendship developed: we are still working together on Flow and Neos, two projects that have their roots back in 2005, when an unforgettable meeting in Kettrup Bjerge, Denmark, brought together a handful of key people from the TYPO3 project.
During all those years some other notable events took place: I graduated, my twin sons were born, I left the company to become a freelancer, I switched to using a Mac and moved to Lübeck, my third son was born and last but not least I launched this Neos-based website.
From September 2013 to the end of January 2015 I was working at TechDivison GmbH Lübeck, a branch office of TechDivision GmbH Kolbermoor. I wrote about this time in a blog post.
In February 2015 I co-founded Flownative GmbH, together with Robert Lemke and Christian Müller. This going to be huge! ;)