Inspiring Flow Conference 2013

This year's Inspiring Flow Conference was almost three weeks ago, but it was such a great event, that taking a short look back still makes sense. One major change to the event this year was the language–all sessions were held in english instead of german. This addressed one of the popular suggestions from last year and lead to the event not only being a bit bigger than last year but also resulted in people from nine different countries attending it.

Christopher Hlubek talking at Inspiring Flow 2013
Christopher Hlubek talking at Inspiring Flow 2013

Another major change was to the amount of information presented: 15 session slots spread over two days almost doubled the number of presentations compared to the one day event last year. For me this felt just perfect: Having one track eliminates the need to choose which sessions to attend and two days is neither too long nor too short.

More than half of the speakers have already uploaded their slides somewhere (mine are available as well: Using Document Databases with TYPO3 Flow and Profiling TYPO3 Flow applications) and they are listed on the event website along with reports and photos from the event.

I had the impression the quality of the presentations was a bit better than last year, although I talked to some that would have liked more technical detail and in-depth information. On the other hand you never know how deep the attendees are already into TYPO3 Flow–my workshop on using document databases with Flow was canceled because no one signed up. But the "all purpose development" workshops by Matthias Witte and Robert Lemke were fully booked.

For me this shows the state of the Flow developer community: Highly skilled developers, some that are diving into Flow at an amazing depth–but the majority is still starting with TYPO3 Flow. Given young age of the framework that is no surprise. And it makes the projects that are already done with Flow even more amazing (like this video-on-demand portal by Dominique Feyer). Keep up the good work and spread the word!

There will be another conference next year, and I will be there again–that's for sure!

PS: Thanks to all the sponsors and to techdivision for organizing this great event!

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Karsten Dambekalns

Creative Code Engineer

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